Manufacturing, Trade and Connectivity
Funding Initiatives (FIs) are grant schemes with a set of deliverables, evaluation processes and criteria. The FIs are managed by Implementing Agencies (IAs) across Singapore.
Here is a list of major Manufacturing, Trade and Connectivity (MTC) FIs outside NRF:
FIs/initiative | Description | |
MTC/HHP Industry Alignment Fund – Pre-positioning (IAF-PP) Funding Initiative | A*STAR | The IAF-PP FI aims to develop industry-ready capabilities to deepen alignment of public sector research, as well as multidisciplinary and integrated programmes with early industry involvement. Programmes are expected to lead to industry participation within 3-5 years. This encompasses new programmes, as well as existing programmes that have demonstrated strong track record of success and industry potential. Programmes supported should be aligned with HHP or MTC domain themes and strategies. The maximum duration of IAF-PP projects should not exceed 5 years (60 months). |
A*STAR | The MTC Programmatic FI supports long term, capability-building projects that have the potential to deliver significant impact to Singapore, typically beyond a five-year timeframe. These projects typically correspond to low Technological Readiness Levels (TRL) of 2-4. | |
MTC Individual Research Grants (IRG) / Young Investigator Research Grant (YIRG) | A*STAR | The MTC Individual Research Grants (IRG) aims to support novel and fresh R&D investigator-led ideas. The MTC Young Individual Research Grants (YIRG) is a sub-category of grants aims at grooming young researchers in conducting independent research. |
A*STAR | The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster (NAMIC) is a national platform that aims to accelerate the adoption of hybrid and digital additive manufacturing technologies under Singapore’s Manufacturing and Economy 2030 Vision, helping industries transform towards innovation and high value-added manufacturing using sustainably sourced, nature-based designs and cradle-to-cradle on-demand manufacturing. | |
A*STAR | The National Robotics Programme (NRP) was established to develop a vibrant and innovative robotics ecosystem capable of providing solutions to fuel the Smart Nation initiative and to establish Singapore as a global centre of excellence for the study, research, development, making and applications of robotics solutions. | |
Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Singapore (TCOMS) | A*STAR | The Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Singapore (TCOMS) is a national R&D centre dedicated to the Marine & Offshore and Maritime sectors. We integrate research and industry expertise to co-create innovative concepts and solutions to address real world challenges. A core feature of TCOMS is the next-generation Deepwater Ocean Basin research facility which is equipped with advanced wave and current generation systems to simulate challenging ocean environments that marine platforms and ships operate in. |
MPA | The Maritime Transformation Programme (MTP) is a key vehicle to implement the Sea Transport ITM Innovation thrust. To sharpen Singapore’s competitive edge, capitalise on new opportunities for greater value creation and capture, and safeguard our strategic interests, MPA has outlined 5 Strategic Research Thrusts for the MTP, aligned with the Singapore Maritime R&D Roadmap. | |
Aviation Transformation Programme (ATP) | CAAS | In RIE2020, CAAS secured $100M under the Aviation Transformation Programme (ATP) 1.0 Funding Initiative to seed new technological competencies that seek to enhance Singapore’s strategic air traffic management and achieve more seamless regional operations in the long term. |
EDB | OSTIn’s S$150M flagship Space Technology Development Programme (STDP) seeks to develop space capabilities to support domains such as aviation, maritime and sustainability, which are critical to Singapore and many other countries, as well as disruptive space technologies that can improve the country’s space industry’s competitiveness. Projects supported by the STDP include: · Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) satellite technologies that would allow satellites to operate in orbits closer to earth and deliver differentiated capabilities. · Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) satellite solutions that would enable quantum-safe transmission of secure information. · Use of satellite data for applications such as carbon Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV), agriculture, pollution monitoring. |